Apple Pie vodka

Hello everyone!

As you know, January is the month of apples and I love the recipes with this fruit, especially when it is combined with cinnamon! One of my favorite desserts is the Apple Pie and a few days ago, looking for the recipe on the web, I found the preparation of the Apple Pie vodka! I immediately thought it was a gift idea to propose because you really liked the post of Nutellino liquor.

Now I'll explain how to prepare it:

Found on


  1. Fill an hermetic jar of 1lt with sliced apple and cinnamon sticks. Use more or less apple as as needed to fill the jar all the way to the top.
  2. Pour the Everclear  (Use more or less to fill the jar)
  3. Seal the jar and shake it to make sure that all of the apples are fully submerged.
  4. Put the jar in the fridge for 48h
  5. Filter the liquor in a bowl dividing it from apples and cinnamon sticks. Remove waste from the jar and pour the filtered liquor back into it.
  6. Add the syrup and filtered water into the jar. Mix again.
  7. Seal tightly and apply on the jar a label with ingredients and storage time

Here's the Apple pie vodka! You can gift it to be drink alone or to be used as an ingredient for an excellent happy-hour! An example? Apple Martini!
Here is the recipe that you can print and donate with liquor!

I hope you enjoyed this gift recipe! Let me know in the comments if you tried to do it!


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